Game Design


Gaming Consoles

From my readings and analysis of this weeks readings on game design I feel I have learnt a lot about this topic, firstly there is no 'one way' to define what a game is. But generally games have activities, rules, conflict, goals, involve decision making, and they are a form of art. 

To create a game seems like an extremely challenging thing to do, but from my readings Im starting to believe that it might just be something achievable for anyone with the right motivation and love for game and design. To create a game is an organic process that involves a lot of idea generation. Game designers draw inspiration from just about anything! some examples include watching TV, movies, playing other games and even taking walks in nature when they get writers block. There is a lot of brain storming involved and designers often have group work sessions to get the ideas flowing, or, after generating an idea go to a colleague for feedback. 

I learnt that generating an idea for a game can be as simple as drawing a few lines on paper, making an end point and a character to get from the start to finish. Create a few rules and challenges a long the way to enhance the game play and there you go! you now have a game. It may not be a great game.. but it proves that it's not as difficult as you would think to create a game.

I think it is also important to note that change is always accepted in generating game ideas. It is never expected for your first idea to be the end piece, or even close to the end piece. It can just be an idea that eventually blossoms in to your final product. Game design is a creative and challenging work but extremely rewarding!

The Ramsey method

The Ramsey method is a difficult method thought by psychologists for very specified topics. For this method you collect as much information that you can in hopes of finding hidden information.


"What is a Game, Anyway?"

"The Organic Nature of Game Ideation: Game Ideas Arise from Solitude and Mature by Bouncing"

"Four Basic Methods for Generating Ideas" 


  1. As me wanting to become a future game designer its so nice to see people and even myself realizing that to make a game doesn't have to be so complicated and it turns out most people are actually looking more forward to multimedia development and making their own game I like what you said about change and that it should be expected in generating ideas as I think its an important thing to know and consider when developing a game and that's why game developing is so enjoyable because you never know what your final game will be until the end because of new ideas along the way Nice post overall Mary :)


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