Game Vision Statement


The purpose of a vision statement is to communicate the vision in detailed terms. In this post I will be discussing my game ideas vision and components in more detail than previous. 


The name of my game is going to be "Traffic Light" , this game is going to be a single player game where the main goal is to race to the end. You will need to have quick reflex's for this game and move quickly as it's very fast paced! You will be set in a 2D world where there is a traffic light at the end and a timer ticking down. The one rule being you can only move when the light is green with the objective of getting to the end before the timer runs out. 


Starting off in a 2D world you will first get to pick your character from a variety of choices, once your character is chosen you will start the game. There will be compelling background music playing to add to the tension of the game. Once you press start the timer will begin at 1-2 minutes. Starting off easier, the light will change less frequently giving you the chance to move forward easily. The light will be on a random generation so you wont be able to guess so easily! The closer you get to the finish line the quicker the light will change colours making it more difficult. If you end up moving once the light is red you will be set back to the start of the map and the timer will restart. If you manage to make it to the end of the map without getting knocked out you will earn points and move onto the next level. 

Key Features

  • Quick reflexes
  • Fast-paced
  • Single player
  • 2D world
  • Random generation
  • Timer

The genre of this game is a 2D stimulation game in single player. I haven't thought so much into theme yet but I think I would like to have different maps of maybe post-apocalyptic, futuristic, modern etc. To give the game a different feel and not make it so repetitive. 


  • IOS/Android
  • PC/MAC
Internet based


  1. Hey Mary

    This is a really good game vision statement. I like how it's short and sweet. I really like your game idea and can't wait to see how your game looks.


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