Time Strategies

 I feel everyone is guilty for letting deadlines build up and procrastinate everything they have to do until the last minute, I can raise my hand and admit to this. Thats why time management is so important! Sure, last year was definitely a lot easier for time managing when everything was online and we were in lockdown. But now this year having to balance college, assignments, work and our social lives I think it's really important to get into the habit of managing our time. 

This year I will be managing my time personally by aiming to get all my college work done during the week so that I can go to work on the weekends without the stress of having to come home late and complete assignments.

The two articles I decided to read for this blog post were How to beat procrastination by Caroline Webb and 3 Steps to Recapture Time by Joynicole Martinez

I really enjoyed reading How to beat procrastination by Caroline Webb as I myself am a procrastinator and need all the help I can get! Some of the things mentioned in this article were that people procrastinate because of present-bias. Basically meaning the short term easy option out weighs the long term upside in our minds. Some of the tips the article gives for beating procrastination include visualising ourselves at our happy state once our task is complete, tell someone what you are going to get done because it puts pressure on us to get it done so we don't look foolish or lazy and confront the downside of inaction by outweighing the pros and cons of not getting what you need to get done, done. The article also goes through actions to take to make the task you need to get done feel smaller, and Caroline writes to first identify the first step, then to tie the first step to a threat and finally remove the hidden blockage by asking why it feels so tough to start something.

In the second article I read 3 Steps to Recapture Time, Joynicole Martinez writes about 3 rules to manage your time well throughout the day. The first rule she discusses is to refuse to yield to your first 15 minutes of the day by dedicating them to define the rest of your day, she recommends to meditate/pray, identify 3/4 tasks to have completed by the end of the day and finally to break each task into 3-4 steps. The second rule she discusses is to recognise the pruning season by cutting off any relationships or responsibilities that are no longer serving their purpose, recognise and let go of any projects that are not working so we can use our resources for something that will be successful and finally become more organised and get rid of clutter so we can be more focused in our work. The third and final rule she discusses is to practice the art of no, this can be difficult but very important, understand when you have to say no and don't feel guilty when you have to. 

I really enjoyed reading both articles and feel I learnt a lot about time management. I can't wait to implement these into my daily and weekly schedule so I can manage my time better and not procrastinate as much. 

Time Management


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