Game Fun

 For this weeks readings we were tasked with reading up on fun in games and with the papers:  Gamification what has fun got to do with it? Putting the “Fun Factor” Into Gaming: The Influence of Social Contexts on Experiences of Playing Videogames and the video .

In the context of games and gamification fun is 'pleasurable engagement' which provides a useful distinction with regards to the more passive aesthetic pleasure and entertainment. 

Fun is described as being a learning space that grabs our attention, challenges us and reveals infinite depth. A denser possibility space gives us much more to learn and engage with. Fun is a dopamine in our brains that fires when we are presented with a new challenge to learn from. Fun is the feedback the brain gives us when we are absorbing patterns for learning purposes. Games can be fun, but they also can be about anything they want. We shouldn't expect all games to be fun but we shouldn't reject games because thats all they are as well. 


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