Review Week Comments and Feedback
So far I find that I have gotten a lot of really useful and great feedback from my classmates, which I am super appreciative of! Its really assuring and nice to see so many of my fellow classmates enjoy my idea and have taken the time to read my blogs to understand what I am trying to create with my game idea. Some people have even given me resources with similar game concepts that I can gain inspiration from which I would've never previously known about so that has been really helpful! Following up on that point it's great that there is so many people in our course that enjoy gaming because they can really help in giving the people who don't game as much resources, tutorials, ideas etc. and its really nice that we can all work together in helping each other out! I have really enjoyed this aspect of the module as it feels like a little community we have all built over the blogging space and I am getting to interact with classmates who I have never spoken with before.
2. Feedback out:
Similarly, I have also enjoyed taking the time to read and comment on my classmates blogs. Not only is it super interesting and fun to see the ideas my classmates are developing but getting to hopefully help and aid them with something they may not have thought about is very satisfying. I have found using the structured feedback system that we were given has been really handy to use and gives my commenting more structure, I'm sure it is more easier for everyone to understand. I also have gained a lot of inspiration for my own writing and how to structure my blog posts from reading my classmates blogs. I think it's nice to have our blogs organised neatly so that it is easy to read and understand and getting to see everyones blog's has definitely helped my own writing.
3. Blog comments:
I definitely think the blog commenting has made our year group be able to connect more through each of our own projects. I feel this blogging space has become our own community where we can interact and keep up to date with each others progress whilst helping each other out. I also think that the introduction post was the perfect way to begin our blogs! Without this post I feel each of our blogs would not have its own originality, and from reading up on everyones introduction posts I have learnt so much more about my classmates that I probably would've never known! Similarly with my own blog and the comments I received I can see my classmates have learnt a lot more about me. This was definitely one of my favourite blog posts to not only write but read and comment on everyone else's.
4. Looking Forward:
To make the feedback assignments more useful for myself I definitely need to start implanting more of them into my actual project and taking note/keeping up with everything. I would like to tidy my blog up a little more and definitely take more time to partake in the extra credit tasks that we are assigned each week to make my blog more fun and interesting!
What’s up dude
ReplyDeleteIt’s fantastic to see that you are keeping up with all your blogs
Loads of other people have fallen behind
No joke I check their blogs and their last post was in October 😂
Trust me when I say you’re doing great
This final stretch is very difficult but it’s almost over though
Keep up the great work, it’s almost over 🤟🏻
-Robbie Cahill