Unity Tutorial 04

Screenshot from my unity workspace

 For this weeks Unity Tutorials we were tasked with 3 different tutorials: 

Lesson 2.4 Collision Decisions (50 mins)

Challenge 2 & Quiz Play Fetch (50 mins)

Unit 3 – Animation, Sound, & Effects (Run and Jump Prototype)

Lesson 3.1 Jump Force (90 mins)

This week was definitely the most challenging tutorials and I can see as the weeks go on how much more challenging and time consuming the tutorials are getting. In lesson 2.4 I had to finalise the 2nd lesson by making the animals spawn randomly on a timer, I learnt how to add colliders to all of my objects so that when the food would fly into the animals it would be destroyed and finally learnt how to add a "Game over" message once the game was over. It was nice to finalise the second lesson and have a functional game. 

The challenge 2 was definitely the most challenging and about debugging a game that was already made and then finally in the last tutorial we started the 3rd unit and done the first lesson "Jump Force", In this lesson we set up a new project choose a background and player, we then had to program the player to jump with the spacebar and have an object for the player to jump over while a spawn manager spawns it randomly. I had some trouble figuring out the gravity on the rigidbody for this tutorial but eventually figured out where I went wrong and could fix it. 

Overall I found these tutorials challenging but still managed to figure them out in the end. 


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