Week 9 Reading and Writing
1. Looking back:
Personally I have found the readings for this module fairly achievable each week, one thing I've struggled with is the writing as I find academic writing quite difficult but I also find reading and writing up on the readings each week has helped me with this. So far I think that my favourite reading has been the readings on the game design documents, for this reading we were assigned with Communication and Game Design Documents, How to Write a Game Design Document and BenderWaffles video example of a GDD. I found this weeks readings to be the most beneficial and interesting for me personally as I was unaware that so much planning and research/development goes into creating games. A GDD is essentially a document with a variety of headings that help with memory aid in creating games and useful for group work and working in a team so that everyone can get their ideas across and communicate them efficiently. I feel these readings and even creating my own GDD has really helped in creating my own game as I can easily look back on my ideas. I also feel the readings have really helped with my time management and researching skills. So far I am happy with my game project as I feel it is an interesting concept that isn't too difficult to carry out. I believe that my biggest accomplishment with this class so far is developing my skills in a variety of regions, not only have I learnt how to use Unity a new application that I hadn't heard of prior to this module, but I have also developed research, writing, reading, communication, time management and so many other skills. This module really gave us the opportunity to develop so many different skills.
2. Image:
Image from my first Unity Tutorial blog post
I choose this image as my favourite image from my previous blog posts as it shows where I first began on my journey of learning Unity, it's nice to look back and see how far you've come and how much you've learnt. This was my first ever Unity tutorial and when I look at it I remember all the confusion and frustration I was feeling whilst doing the tutorial. Now to think if I was to do this tutorial again it would be a walk in the park! (well, maybe.)
3. Looking Forward:
Looking forward I am excited to see what else can come from this module and how all my other classmates have developed and learnt new skills. I hope to develop my skills even further and develop a game that I can be proud of! I hope that we can further learn about game development and design as it is not something that I was previously familiar with yet have found it interesting so far. I also really enjoy learning about time management and organisation as I find it is very important in our day to day lives especially with trying to balance college, assignments, work, social life and general house chores. I am excited to see what will come in the next few weeks!
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