For this week we had to do more readings on our chosen topic. I decided to use google scholar to further research my topic of "the over sexualisation of women in video games". I found Google Scholar to be super useful in finding a variety of different articles for my topic that can be referenced easily for the project.
"Sexist Games=Sexist Gamers? A Longitudinal Study on the Relationship Between Video Game Use and Sexist Attitudes" Is the first article that I read through, which talked about the overuse of the "damsel in distress" in video games, such as Super Mario Bros. The under and misrepresentation of women in video games. The article discusses how women are being represented in video games leads to how they will be viewed in media and furthermore impact ones beliefs and attitudes in day to day life.
Following up on this I was interested as to how popular gaming was amongst women and how the over sexualisation of woman would affect women that enjoy video games. I found this article "Women and Gaming Culture:...". This article talks about the communication experience of female individuals entering the gaming culture. It also talks about the male dominance in video games.
Finally I found the article "A Content Analysis of Gender Representations in Independent Video Games". This article looks into the representation of gender in indie video games from a selection of games made from 2010-2015. Male characters were found to outnumber female characters in said games but by a smaller margin than expected. Female characters were sexualised in higher numbers than males and there were also a number of gender non-conforming characters.
Overall I found Google Scholar to be a useful source in further researching my chosen topic for the project book and I am excited to delve deeper into my findings and learn more on this topic.

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