Tutorial 01

For this semester we were given the option of doing 2D tutorials, introduction to XR or an E-Learning project. I opted for the 2D tutorials as I felt it suited me the most. For the first week of semester two we were tasked with the tutorial: Ruby's Adventure: 2D beginner.

Getting back into the swing of Unity after the break was definitely challenging but before I knew it, it was all starting to come back to me! In this tutorial we brushed up on the basics which was a nice refresher. We then had to add a character to the game and make it a Sprite which was new to me. We then done some coding and made the character move left to right and up and down using the arrow keys. For the last bit of the tutorial we were introduced to tile maps. Unfortunately my Unity software didn't have the option of creating 2D objects so I really struggled with this part. 

Overall I found the tutorials to be very useful in brushing up in Unity after the break and learning new skills with 2D games. I am excited this semester to see how 3D and 2D games will differ. It will be nice to explore Unity and the world of 2D games!


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